Reviews & Praise

Son of Apollo: The Adventures of a Boy Whose Father Went to the Moon

University of Nebraska Press, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-49623334-9
Pages: 176

For many memoirs, the impetus for writing comes when faced with one’s own mortality and a need to record some personal or family history. While on deployment in Afghanistan, his fellow Marines suggested that Christopher Roosa do just that for his young kids. What emerged is the latest title in the University of Nebraska Press space history series.

Much has been written about the astronauts who flew to the Moon during the Apollo program, either by the astronauts themselves or by researchers and historians documenting every aspect of the program and the key player involved in fine detail. In contrast, little exists from the perspectives of the families—the parents, the spouses, and the children— which is why this book is a welcome addition. Christopher Roosa is the son of Astronaut Stuart Allen Roosa, Apollo 14’s Command Module Pilot.

Son of Apollo recounts the Roosa family history including the life of Stu Roosa from his childhood to his career as an Air Force pilot and NASA astronaut as told from the perspective of his oldest son. One such story: “My grandfather...sitting on the back porch, would tell a young Stuart, ‘It’s a big world, Son; get the hell out of Oklahoma.’ He didn’t know then that his advice would lead my father to the Moon.”

About half the book offers anecdotes from his years growing up while his dad was at NASA—more than enough stories to be of interest to space enthusiasts and recommend it to readers of Quest.

Scott Sacknoff
Bathesda, Maryland

Essential Reading
Important New Strategic LIterature

Truly, Son of Apollo

force multiplier in diplomacy and strategic positioning. Christopher A. Roosa’s new book, Son of Apollo: The Adventures of a Boy Whose Father Went to the Moon, invites us to consider the prestige which the space program conveyed on the US, and those other nations which embarked on space exploration.

It is a story of the incredible lunar exploration, and the family life of astronauts as fathers and husbands. The author is the son of US astronaut Stuart Roosa, a US Air Force test pilot, who was the command module pilot of the Apollo 14 moon mission. Along with his two crewmates who landed on the moon, Apollo 14 also saw the distinctly unscientific, but entertaining first golf shot on the moon by Alan Shepard, who was the first US astronaut to reach space in a sub-orbital flight during the Mercury program in 1961, and the only one of the original seven Mercury astronauts to walk on the moon. Continue Reading...
